If you or someone you know was convicted of a DUI in Indiana, new car insurance is one of the first things on the check list to get back on the road as soon as possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for your new insurance plan.
You Don't Have to Break the Bank
Once a DUI shows on a driving record, this person will be placed into a "high-risk" pool of drivers. For obvious reasons, you can expect your annual premium to be higher, but depending on your history, it is not always as drastic as you may think. Here at HCQ, we have several carriers who will consider this class of drivers to compare from to keep your costs to a minimum. You may think your options are limited, but it is still in your best interest to shop around for the best rate.
Filing an SR-22
An SR-22 is a certificate required by the state that shows you are carrying liability insurance greater than or equal to the state minimum limits. In Indiana, these limits are 25/50/25. If you shop with us at HCQ, we are happy to file this for you upon purchase of a policy. SR-22's must be carried for 3 years after your first and second offense, then for 5 years after a third offense.
Get Your License Reinstated
Once you have taken care of business getting your insurance policy issued and documentation filed to the state, then you can go to the BMV and apply to get your license reinstated. At HCQ, we are happy to help with any part of the process and get you on your way as fast as possible!